Minutes 2010-2011

Monday, May 2, 2011
7-8 pm at Broadwater School

Attendees: Co-President Marika Adamek, Co-President Diana Hammer, Co-Secretary Alana Listoe, Central lower elementary teacher Deb Johnson, Treasurer Sarah Lawlor, Smith Principal Pam Wright, Broadwater Principal Sue Sweeney, Broadwater teacher Annie Tague, Rikki Read, Julie Barnwell, Erin Turner, Rebecca Stanfel
Co-President, Diana, began the meeting at 7:03 pm.

Diana opened the meeting with introductions of HPMP Officers and meeting participants.
Secretary Alana Listoe circulated the sign-in sheet.

AnnouncementsHPMP Meeting notes

Central Elementary will our host for the HPMP during the 2011-12 school year.
HPMP welcomes new students and families at the ice cream social on Thursday, Sept. 8 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Central.

Montessori Lesson
Deb Johnson gave a language lesson on the parts of speech. This is a very visual way to teach language using colored shapes to denote noun, verb, adverb, adjective, etc. Other Montessori materials include a barn and labeling fruit to learn about articles (e.g., an orange, a grape, an apple). Her student, Savanna Thornock, helped with the demonstration.

Principals Report
There were 66 names in the lottery and 36 were placed. Sue said it was heavy with Smith families and they’ll be offered another school. While the lottery did not emphasize the number (drawing order), in the end, it was necessary to use the lottery number for those on a waiting list for an opening in one of the three Montessori classrooms.

Secretary Report
Alana sent the minutes from the April 2, 2011 meeting to the classroom teachers; the teachers forwarded the minutes electronically to their students’ families. A motion was made and properly seconded to approve the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report
Sarah reported that we have a current balance of $20,807.76. We spent $53.89 on new checks. We took in $456.62 from the 2009 payment for the state charitable giving campaign. The IRS approved our name change from HAME to HPMP.

Original Works
We took in $905.97 for this fundraiser, which was slightly lower than last year.

Spring Fundraising Letter
The fundraising letter went out offering a free insulated bag with a $25 donation. These bags can go home with students in their backpacks with a thank you note.
Diana and Marika will send out e-mail reminders.

Combined Federal Campaign
Diana and Sarah worked to complete HPMP’s application to this federal giving campaign (similar to the State Employee’s Charitable Giving Campaign). We hope our application will be approved and included in this fall’s charitable giving campaign. We hope that this will bring in some additional revenue.

Meeting with Messinger
Diana and Marika and the three Principals (Sue Sweeney, Pam Wright, and Merry Farhman) met with Superintendent Bruce Messinger in on April 5. HPMP presented the results of our recent survey of Montessori parents, students, teachers and administrators. The results indicated a strong interest in expanding Montessori in Helena, especially into Middle School. The survey results will be posted on the website. Diana noted that the timing was especially good as the District is preparing to embark on long range planning (20-30 year) beginning this fall.

Three teachers are currently going through training. Josleyn Carney will continue this summer at MEIPN, Jodi Delaney will begin her online training this summer with NAMC and newly hired Smith teacher Debra Beaver will begin her training this summer at CMTE/NY.

We are paying for Jodi to complete her upper Montessori training for $1,450. The Board recommended HPMP approve Debra’s training proposal of $10,000 for tuition and $3,500 for expenses. A motion was passed and properly seconded to approve.

Teacher training is the main reason HPMP fundraises and we are doing our best to keep up.
Teachers commented in the survey that they would like more professional development. The AMS national conference in San Francisco (March 2012) is just one opportunity mentioned by teachers in the survey. HPMP is considering funding travel and registration to this conference. The specifics will be worked out within the Board based upon available funding. It is the hope of the Board that HPMP send as many interested teachers as possible this year and rotate in future years.

Materials Policy
We have a rough draft but will pick this up again in the fall and will develop further as a Board through the summer.

Next Year’s Officers
Next year’s officers are: Co-presidents Marika Adamek (Broadwater) and Rebecca Stanfel (Smith); Co-Secretaries Alana Listoe and Rikki Read (Broadwater); Treasurer Erin Turner (Central); and Past President Diana Hammer (Central). The current and new HPMP Officers will meet Monday, June 6 to transition to the 2011-2012 school year term.

Central Elementary will be our host school for HPMP during 2011/2012.

HPMP welcomes new students and families at our Ice Cream Social on Thursday, September 8th from 6:30 – 7:30 pm at Central Elementary.

The next meeting will be Tuesday, September 6, 2011 at 5:30 pm at Central School.


HPMP Meeting notes: Monday, March 7, 2011
7-8 pm at Broadwater School

Regular HPMP Meeting began at 7:00 pm.


Attendees: Co-President Diana Hammer, Co-President Marika Adamek, Co-Secretary Alana Listoe, Co-Secretary Tracie Kenyon, Central Principal Merry Fahrman, Smith Principal Pam Wright, Liz Stine, Jami Hansing, Amy Omang Huber, Sara Groves, Erin Turner, Central Teacher Libby Kenney

Co-President, Marika Adamek, began the meeting at 7:04 pm.


Marika opened the meeting with introductions of HPMP Officers and meeting participants.

Secretary Alana Listoe circulated the sign-in sheet.


No announcements tonight


Montessori Lesson

Libby Kenney gave the Test Tube Division lesson and discussed how this lesson allows children to visually understand division.


Secretary Report

Alana sent the minutes from the February 7, 2011 meeting to the classroom teachers; the teachers forwarded the minutes electronically to their students’ families.  A motion was made and properly seconded to approve the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report

Diana reported that we have a current balance of $20,493.35 there was a $10 payment to the Secretary of State.  She reported that our contributions from State Employees Charitable Giving is lower by nearly $800 over last year – please remind state employees to select HPMP as one of their charities of choice.

Principals’ Report

  • Merry: There will be interviews on Monday, March 14 for the open position at Smith School. Merry thanked Pam Wright for all of her help thus far in the process.  (Note: Joanna Thamke will serve as the representative from HPMP on the hiring team.) Merry also indicated that the district is working on the 2011-2012 calendar; therefore, she asked for HPMP dates within two weeks.

Original Works

Denise Barber is coordinating this fundraising event for Smith and Central; Julie Heller is the overall Original Works coordinator for Broadwater School.  In all cases, artwork is coming home prior to Spring Break.

KidWorks at the Holter

Sara Groves is coordinating this event and is still seeking volunteers – there will be three shifts of helpers.  It is set for this coming Saturday (March 12) – the officers thanked Sara for all of her work on this.

Future Directions Survey

Diana provided preliminary results on the survey that was sent out in February. There was an excellent response rate: 58 parents, 61 students, and 11 teachers and administrators representing the three schools fairly evenly.  Detailed results will be posted to the HPMP website.  Diana and Marika will brief Dr. Messinger and the principals once the results are tabulated. Thanks again to Julie Flynn and Erin Hunter for completing this project!


Spring Fundraising Letter

Each year HPMP co-presidents send a solicitation letter to parents and previous donors.  This year the letter will again be sent home in students’ backpacks.  And since we have some inventory of insulated, zippered shopping bags, we determined through discussion that with a $25.00 contribution each donor would receive a bag.  Other suggestions included making the letter personal, list specific donation amounts, or share where previous donations have been spent.

Other Ideas for Fundraisers (2011-2012 School Year and Beyond)

Participants brainstormed other potential fundraisers to create a spring signature event:

  • Community Night at Blackfoot Brewery
  • Golf Tournament
  • Valentine Dinner
  • Father/Daughter Dance
  • Raffle or Online Auction
  • Gala

Diana is working with the IRS to get HPMP recognized in the Combined Federal Campaign for federal employees to donate directly from their paychecks (as state employees do).  She hopes it will be available in the fall.

Montessori Lottery

The lottery for incoming first graders will be held on April 27 – an open house for interested parents will be April 14 at 7:00 p.m. at Broadwater.  Alana will address the families on behalf of HPMP.  To announce these dates, we have several ads in the IR along with invitations going to parents of current kindergarteners and a mention in the Monday Messenger.  Kindergarten teachers are invited to “Q & A” on March 15 offered by Montessori teachers to encourage their families to apply.

The only numbering system this year will be for those students on the waiting list.

Next Year’s Officers

At the April 4 meeting we will discuss open positions on the HPMP Board and vote for the candidates at the May meeting (May 2).  The new board will meet again in June (with the outgoing board) and in August.

Marika proposed that we change the date and/or time of our meetings.  After discussion it was decided to keep the same first Monday meeting day but change the time to 6:30 p.m. rather than 7:00 p.m. starting next year.  For the 2011-2012 school year, meetings will be at Central School.  There was also discussion about offering childcare.


The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 4, 2011 at Broadwater School.

HPMP Meeting notes: Wednesday, February 16, 2011
7-8 pm at Broadwater School

Regular HPMP Meeting began at 7:00 pm.

This meeting was rescheduled from the Feb. 7 th meeting that was cancelled due to weather.

Attendees: Co-President Diana Hammer, Co-President Marika Adamek, Treasurer Sarah Lawlor, Co-Secretary Alana Listoe, Broadwater Principal Sue Sweeney, Broadwater Teacher Jodi Delaney, Tony Napoletano (former student teacher at Broadwater and applying Autumn Johnstone’s job at Smith)

Co-President, Diana Hammer, began the meeting at 7:00 pm.


Diana opened the meeting with introductions of HPMP Officers and meeting participants.

Co- secretary Alana Listoe circulated the sign-in sheet.

Montessori Presentation

Intermediate Montessori teacher Jodi Delaney gave a presentation on work plans. It’s a tool to teach organization that all Montessori teachers use, although the format may be a bit different.

Students have a to-do list and a want-to-do list; some activities are done together, with the teacher and fellow students, and some independently, which helps teach time management. There is also a question about what the student did to be active and a space for family comments. Jodi says each child handles their work plan differently, which allows them to provide an active role.

Secretary Report

Tracie sent the minutes from the January 3, 2011 meeting to the classroom teachers; the teachers forwarded the minutes electronically to their students’ families.  A motion was made and properly seconded to approve the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report

Sarah reported that we have a current balance of $20,503.35. We spent $44 for our annual post office box renewal and $15 for the filing of our Sec’y of State Annual Report.

Principals’ Report

There is a meeting planned on March 15 at the Red Atlas at 3:45 for all kindergarten through fifth grade teachers in the district who want to know more about Montessori. Sue says the idea is to provide them with information about the public program and answer questions.

The Montessori orientation is scheduled for April 14 and Diana and Alana agreed to be the board representations but all are welcome. April 28 is the lottery.

Lottery group meeting

Marika gave a brief report about the lottery meeting, and hopefully, Merry Fahrman will give an update at the next meeting.By invitation of principals, a group of teachers and parents from each school were asked to discuss the following issues.  Merry took the recommendations of this group to the District.

1. Gender issue – it was recommended that the most equitable way to balance gender in the classrooms was to keep lottery as is and to create educational opportunities for parents and Kindergarten teachers to learn about the Montessori program.

2. Parent Attendance at Lottery drawing – recommended that the District can better communicate to parents that children should not attend the lottery drawing.

3. Use of a “#” – recommended that during the lottery drawing #’s should not be called out and that #’s should not be listed on District correspondence.  However, #’s would be kept by Merry to confirm proper placement.

4. Sibling preference – again it was recommended that the most equitable way was to keep lottery as is.

5. Out of district students entering program over in-district students – recommended that the District be more diligent re: in-district students having preference over out-of-district students.”

Original Works

Denise Barber is coordinating this fundraising event for Central and Smith Schools and Julie Heller is for Broadwater.  All orders will go home before spring break with items returning before Mother’s Day.

KidsWorks at the Holter

The date is set for Saturday, March 12 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.  Sara Groves is the coordinator and a sign-up sheet was circulated for volunteers.

Future Directions of Montessori

The survey is ready to go and will end March 1. Teachers will send out e-mail reminders to families. Students in third through fifth grades will be asked to take it as will all Montessori parents.

We will post a summary of the results on our website and discuss them at our next meeting.

Spring Fundraiser

In the past we’ve sent out a mailing to help raise money – is this the most effective way?

Can we do the Verizon send a text deal? How about a table at the Real Food Store? Giving Tree at a few local stores? Donate $25, get a free insulated HPMP bag. Some fundraiser event with children involved? We’ll talk more at the next meeting about this.


We need to put out a newsletter recapping what we’ve done. Alana is happy to help with direction.

Teacher Training

We need to help all our teachers be fully certified in Montessori teaching.  Joslyn Carney will continue her training this summer.  Jodi Delaney will begin her online training (regardless of APETS) this summer.  A proposal has been submitted (APETS) for a stipend for additional upper elementary Montessori certification.  Currently, a stipend is in place for lower elementary Montessori certification, but not upper elementary certification.  Jodi’s training materials have already been purchased by HPMP, therefore only an additional $1,000 is needed for her to complete the upper elementary training online.  In addition, a new upper elementary teacher will be hired to replace Autumn Johnstone at Smith and may need training.

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 7, 2011 at Broadwater School.  We will talk about spring fundraising ideas, KidsWorks, Original Works, and the lottery.

HPMP Meeting notes: Monday, January 3, 2011
7-8 pm at Broadwater School

Regular HPMP Meeting began at 7:00 pm.

Attendees: Co-President Diana Hammer, Co-President Marika Adamek, Treasurer Sarah Lawlor, Co-Secretary Alana Listoe, Co-Secretary Tracie Kenyon, Central Principal Merry Fahrman, Broadwater Principal Sue Sweeney, Smith Principal Pam Wright, Liz Stine, Jami Hansing, Broadwater Teacher Annie Tague

Co-President, Marika Adamek, began the meeting at 7:00 pm.


Marika opened the meeting with introductions of HPMP Officers and meeting participants.

Secretary Tracie Kenyon circulated the sign-in sheet.


No announcements tonight

Secretary Report

Tracie sent the minutes from the December 6, 2010 meeting to the classroom teachers; the teachers forwarded the minutes electronically to their students’ families.  A motion was made and properly seconded to approve the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report

Sarah reported that we have a current balance of $20,562.35 after a welcome $400 donation was received and mileage for the Spokane trip was reimbursed.  Tracie will send a thank you for the donation.

Principals’ Report

  • Merry: There will be a meeting this coming Thursday at Central School to begin strategic discussions around some identified issues: gender balance in the Montessori classrooms, the lottery (number system and should parents attend).  The principals have invited two Montessori parents and one teacher from each of the respective schools.  The group will report back next month at the HPMP meeting.
  • Sue: The link from HPMP on Broadwater’s website isn’t working; Karen Lorenz will correct this soon.

Original Works

Denise Barber is coordinating this fundraising event and looking for classroom representatives.  Tracie Kenyon and Liz Stine volunteered to assist as classroom representatives; Julie Heller is the overall Original Works contact for Broadwater School and we still need classroom representatives for these Smith (Carney and Callahan classrooms) and Central (Johnson, Kenney, and Kempa classrooms).

KidsWorks at the Holter

The date is set for Saturday, March 12 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.  We are seeking a volunteer coordinator.

Future Directions of Montessori

Diana circulated the updated survey for review.  Julie Flynn and Erin Hunter will transfer the document to online format (Survey Monkey) linked from our website.  Hard copies will also be available at the schools. We will seek input from current Montessori parents, upper elementary students, teachers, and administrators.  Diana will ask for Dr. Messinger’s input prior to sending it out.  We hope to deploy the survey in January and discuss the results at the March 2011 meeting.


Ginger Knaff added a letter to the Independent Record’s editor thanking restaurants, patrons, and the community for their support of LobsterFest.  Alana will check on running the letter in the I.R.  We will work on getting a current list of those businesses that contributed to LobsterFest up on our website.

Teacher Training

Autumn Johnstone has indicated her intent to resign effective the end of this school year; therefore, there will be an opening for an upper elementary teacher at Smith School starting Fall 2011.  Once she turns in an official letter of resignation, there will be an internal search, followed by an external search (if no internal candidate is found).  HPMP will be ready to assist with our policy and agreement outlining our role and expectations; we also hope to have a parent involved in the hiring process as we’ve done in the past.

We will miss Autumn and wish her well as she relocates to Missoula with her family.

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 7, 2011 at Broadwater School.  Jodi Delaney (Broadwater’s upper elementary teacher) will provide a Montessori lesson.  We will discuss KidsWorks and Original Works.  Hope you can join us!


HPMP Meeting notes: Monday, October 26, 2009
7-8 pm in the Smith School Library

Attendees: Co-President Joshua Schultz, Treasurer Roger Hoogerheide, Secretary Marika Adamek, Central Principal Merry Fahrman, Broadwater Principal Sue Johnson, Alana Listoe, Joanna Thamke, Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson, Pam Bucy, Liz Stine

Co-President, Joshua Schultz, began the meeting at 7:00 pm.


  • Joshua opened the meeting with introductions of HPMP Officers and meeting participants.
  • Secretary Marika Adamek circulated the sign-in sheet.

Secretary Report

  • Marika asked for corrections/additions for minutes from 10/5/09. The minutes were approved.

Treasurer Report

  • Treasurer Roger Hoogerheide gave the treasurer’s report. The current HPMP balance is $16,307. This reflects $500 spent in Lobsterfest advertising.


  • Marika announced that Alana Listoe, a Broadwater parent, and reporter from the IR was here tonight to participate and get information re: Lobsterfest for her feature to run Oct. 28th in the Food Section

Original Works

  • Joshua and Marika gave an update on orders in Denise Barber’s absence. Artwork has been sent home with students. Deadline is this Friday, Oct. 30th.

State Charitable Giving Campaign

  • Roger reported that it is ongoing and noted that some people have commented to him that they are donating to the Campaign in lieu of Lobsterfest.


  • Saturday, November 7, 2009.
  • Poster production and distribution – Posters have been distributed. No cost for printing. All have been printed from individuals or free form Action Print.
  • Orders – Roger reported that at present we have approximately 80 lobsters ordered. Paypal orders gross about $1200.00. Numbers are very low. All school mailboxes had been checked as of meeting. PO box was checked as of Friday by Roger. Extending the deadline is an option.
  • Advertising/Media – Marika reported that the IR will run a feature in the Food Section on Wed., Oct. 28th. Ad copies from IR and Queen City News were circulated. One mistake (phone #)in listing was Marika’s, person called with apology and correct #, listing only ran once in the Your Time. Event posted on the community calendar online at www.helenair.com (free). PSA’s have been running since Oct. 6th and frequently due to a non election year. Thank you to our voice over talents, Marika Adamek, Melina Hammer and Nicole Stine. Live radio interview with Paul Stark at KMTX on Wed., Oct. 14th. Thank you to Tracie Kenyon and Autumn Johnstone. Thurs., Oct. 22nd we had four live interviews at the Cherry Creek radio stations. Thank you to Liz Stine and Marika Adamek. An advertising update was sent to current active members to listen to our live radio interview with Jay Scott which happened Mon., Oct. 26th. Thank you to Pam Wright, Beth Smaka and Marika Adamek. Good to have all 3 perspectives at one interview. PSA’s running on both public radio stations. Our television PSA was updated and began running Oct. 20th thanks to coordinated efforts of Kathhy Vokral, Broadwater parent, and Debbie Spranget at KHBB. An ad runs on the Weather Channel (Bresnan) Oct. 19 – Nov.1. Faxed information to KTVH for their Community Calendar. At the end of the meeting both the television PSA and radio PSA were played for attendees. It was also recommended to take a picture of a live lobster for next year’s advertising/articles. Take home notes for students were given to reps or secretaries at schools.
  • Restaurant Coordination –Denise Barber and Tracie Kenyon (both not present) are coordinating. It was suggested that we give the “No ticket, no tail” poker chip to restaurants.
  • Lobster Distribution – Tracie Kenyon coordinating. Pam Bucy reported that volunteers have been contacted, being one herself. Marika gave a general reminder for volunteers to bring gloves (water proof or leather) and plastic bags. Liz remembers extra plastic bags being left over from last year. Maybe in HPMP box?
  • Trailer status – No other volunteers or trailer donations have surfaced. Joshua and Joe Defilipis will be traveling to Billings for pick up. Joshua may have a trailer contact. If no trailer we will rent a U-haul small truck/van.
  • Other ideas – It was suggested that an archive of Lobsterfest pictures be kept for advertising, website, etc. Confirm that Classroom Reps are getting all information to parents. A volunteer wearing a lobster costume could hand out info. to students as reminder.

Other business

  • We have been asked by Broadwater – and can do the same for Smith and Central – to have a board and information re: the program with pictures, newsletter, brochure during Parent/Teacher Conferences. Central’s conferences are Tues., Nov. 3rd and Thurs., Nov. 5th; Broadwater’s are Tues., Nov.10th and Thurs., Nov.12th; and Smith’s are Wed., Nov. 11th and Thurs., Nov. 12th. Marika asked for volunteers who may help create these boards and distribute to schools during these days.

Action items for Lobsterfest:

  • Detailed action items from last year have been emailed to Board, Tracie Kenyon and Denise Barber
  • Website updated to let people know they need to make a reservation with the participating restaurant – Joshua
  • School and PO box checked – Roger
  • Master List – Roger and Joshua
  • Call restaurants to match reservations with orders received – Roger?
  • Follow –up with Restaurant Coordinators – Joshua
  • Follow – up with Distribution Coordinator – Joshua
  • Follow – up with steak pickup by Sarah Lawlor – Joshua
  • Check HPMP box for plastic bags – Diana

Everyone was thanked for attending and the meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

The next meeting will be Monday, December 7, 2009 in the Smith School library. Pam Wright will be giving a math demo.