Minutes 03-10-2010

Monday, March 1, 2010
7-8 pm in the Smith School Library

Attendees: Co-President Diana Hammer, Co-President Marika Adamek, Secretary Liz Stine, Treasurer Roger Hoogerheide, Tacey Sartorius, Broadwater Principal Sue Johnson, Tracie Kenyon, Susan Anderson, Lisa Mecklenberg-Jackson, Joanna Thamke, Central Principal Merry Fahrman, and Elvira Roncalli.

Co-President, Diana Hammer, began the meeting at 7:04 pm.


  • Diana opened the meeting with introduction of the HPMP Officers and meeting participants. Secretary Liz Stine circulated the sign-in sheet.

Approval of minutes

  • Diana asked for corrections/additions for the minutes from 2/1/10. There were none. The minutes were approved.

Treasurer Report

  • Treasurer Roger Hoogerheide gave the treasurer’s report. The current HPMP balance is $23,714. Roger received the 2009 State Employees Charitable Giving Campaign results. Liz will follow up with thank you notes to the contributors.

Secretary Report

Nothing to report.


  • The new classroom rep for Mrs. Tague’s Broadwater class will be Marika Adamek.
  • Broadwater Principal Sue Johnson complimented the beautiful HPMP display boards that were posted at the parent/teacher conferences.
  • The first grade Montessori lottery informational meeting will be April 15th at Smith School. The lottery drawing will be April 28th at May Butler Center. HPMP officers will have an opportunity to speak at the informational meeting.
  • KidWorks at Holter Museum: A very successful KidsWorks event was held at the Holter Museum on Feb 27th. Thank you to Susan Anderson for organizing the volunteers. HPMP earned $600 from the Holter Museum for staffing the art tables. Many thanks to the following HPMP families and Montessori pre-school parents who staffed the tables: Sarah Lawlor, Elvira Roncalli & family, Tracie Kenyon, Eddie Black, Mary Linn Crouse, Lisa Mecklenberg-Jackson, Rikki Read, Eve Byron & family, Perri May, Erin Lanigan, Marika Adamek, Grace Hodges & family, Jaime Bailey & family, Maggie Robertson & Cade, Heidi Tussing & Zoey, Julie Heller, Pam Bucy, Marissa Porter, Jenifer Scheinz, Kristi Keersmaker, Amy Huber, Erin McMahon, Colette Bliss & Celia, Polly Boutin & family, Susan Anderson, Jenine & Stacey Syness, Tacey Sartorius, Diane Anders, Teri Wright, Stacy Campbell, and Liesl Beck.

Fundraising Letter

  • Diana and Marika are working on the fundraising letter. This year the letter will be sent home in the students’ Wednesday envelope in late April.

Spring Newsletter

  • Diana will compile the newsletter in March so it is ready for the April Lottery meeting.

HPMP Brochure

  • Marika circulated a copy of the new HPMP informational brochure. New color photos and updated contacts are included in the brochure. Tracie Kenyon volunteered to print 100 copies of the brochure.

HPMP Web Master

  • We are seeking a web master for the HPMP website. If you have those skills or know of someone who can do this job, please contact the HPMP board.

HPMP By-Laws

  • A review of the by-laws showed that the name needs to be changed from HAME to HPMP. Other changes were discussed. Diana will gather the comments and present at the April meeting for review and vote.

Teacher Training Policy

  • The HPMP board will arrange a meeting with Dr. Messinger in March to discuss the training policy. If anyone has specific questions please contact a board member. NOTE: This meeting is scheduled for March 15.

Spokane Montessori – CoMP

  • Marika visited with a member of the Montessori parent group in Spokane about how they handle teacher training. There is a possibility that the Helena teachers could visit the Spokane teachers/classrooms next fall.

Future of Montessori

  • The Helena School District has 3 complete Montessori classrooms in 3 schools. HPMP would like discuss the future of Montessori in Helena. Where do we go now, what is our future? The following committee will address this question: Tracie Kenyon, Elvira Roncalli, Susan Anderson, Sue Johnson, Liz Stine, Marika Adamek and Diana Hammer. If you would like to be on this committee please contact a board member.

Teacher Retirement:

  • Mrs. Dagenais (Smith) will be retiring at the end of the year. There was discussion about how to celebrate her retirement. It was decided that we should work with the Parents for Smith School group to organize a send off.

Everyone was thanked for attending and the meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.